Central Data Catalog


1 Eriksson, M, E Sartono, C L Martins, C Balé, M-L Garly, H Whittle, P Aaby, B K Pedersen, M Yazdanbakhsh, C Erikstrup, and C S Benn. "A comparison of ex vivo cytokine production in venous and capillary blood." Clin. Exp. Immunol. 150, no. 3 (2007): 469-476.
2 Poulsen, A., K. Qureshi, I. M. Lisse, P. Kofoed, J. Nielsen, B. F. Vestergaard, and P. Aaby. "A household study of chickenpox in Guinea-Bissau: intensity of exposure is a determinant of severity." (2002).
3 Bjerregaard-Andersen, Morten, Najaaraq Lund, Frida Staarup Jepsen, Luis Camala, Margarida Alfredo Gomes, Kaare Christensen, Lene Christiansen, Dorte Møller Jensen, Peter Aaby, Henning Beck-Nielsen, Christine Stabell Benn, and Morten Sodemann. "A prospective study of twinning and perinatal mortality in urban Guinea-Bissau." BMC Pregnancy Childbirth (2012).
4 Lisse, I. M., B. Samb, H. Whittle, H. Jensen, M. Soumare, F. Simondon, and P. Aaby. "Acute and long-term changes in T-lymphocyte subsets in response to clinical and subclinical measles. A community study from rural Senegal." (1998).
5 Stensballe, L., E. Nante, I. P. Jensen, P. Kofoed, A. Poulsen, H. Jensen, M. Newport, A. Marchant, and P. Aaby. "Acute lower respiratory tract infections and respiratory syncytial virus in infants in Guinea-Bissau: a beneficial effect of BCG vaccination for girls community based case-control study." (2005).
6 Gomes, V F, C Wejse, I Oliveira, A Andersen, F J Vieira, L J Carlos, C S Vieira, P Aaby, and P Gustafson. "Adherence to isoniazid preventive therapy in children exposed to tuberculosis: a prospective study from Guinea-Bissau." Int. J. Tuberc. Lung Dis. 15, no. 12 (2011): 1637-1643.
8 Aaby, Peter, and Christine S Benn. "Assessment of childhood immunisation coverage." (2009).
9 Oliveira, Inés, Andreas Andersen, Alcino Furtado, Candida Medina, David da Silva, Zacarias J da Silva, Peter Aaby, Alex Lund Laursen, Christian Wejse, and Jesper Eugen-Olsen. "Assessment of simple risk markers for early mortality among HIV-infected patients in Guinea-Bissau: a cohort study." BMJ Open 2, no. 6 (2012).
10 Stensballe, Lone Graff, Kim Kristensen, Eric A F Simoes, Henrik Jensen, Jens Nielsen, Christine Stabell Benn, and Peter Aaby. "Atopic disposition, wheezing, and subsequent respiratory syncytial virus hospitalization in Danish children younger than 18 months: a nested case-control study." Pediatrics 118, no. 5 (2006).
11 Roth, A., M. L. Garly, H. Jensen, J. Nielsen, and P. Aaby. "Bacille Calmette Guerin vaccination and infant mortality." (2006).
12 Garly, M. L., C. Martins, C. Bale, M. A. Balde, K. Hedegaard, P. Gustafson, I. M. Lisse, H. Whittle, and P. Aaby. "BCG scar and positive tuberculin reaction associated with reduced child mortality in West Africa. A non-specific beneficial effect of BCG?." (2003).
13 Madura Larsen, Jeppe, Christine Stabell Benn, Yvonne Fillie, Desiree van der Kleij, Peter Aaby, and Maria Yazdanbakhsh. "BCG stimulated dendritic cells induce an interleukin-10 producing T-cell population with no T helper 1 or T helper 2 bias in vitro." Immunology 121, no. 2 (2007): 276-282.
14 Garly, M. L., C. Bale, C. Martins, M. A. Balde, K. Hedegaard, H. Whittle, and P. Aaby. "BCG vaccination among West African infants is associated with less anergy to tuberculin and diphtheria-tetanus antigens." (2001).
15 Roth, A., P. Gustafson, A. Nhaga, Q. Djana, A. Poulsen, M. L. Garly, H. Jensen, M. Sodemann, A. Rodrigues, and P. Aaby. "BCG vaccination scar associated with better childhood survival in Guinea-Bissau." Int J Epidemiol 34, no. 3 (2005): 540-547.
16 Schmidt, W P, M Schim Van Der Loeff, P Aaby, H Whittle, R Bakker, M Buckner, F Dias, and R G White. "Behaviour change and competitive exclusion can explain the diverging HIV-1 and HIV-2 prevalence trends in Guinea-Bissau." Epidemiol. Infect. 136, no. 4 (2008): 551-561.
17 Roth, A E, L G Stensballe, M L Garly, and P Aaby. "Beneficial non-targeted effects of BCG--ethical implications for the coming introduction of new TB vaccines." Tuberculosis (Edinb) 86, no. 6 (2006): 397-403.
18 Qureshi, Katja, Kåre Mølbak, Anita Sandström, Poul-Erik Kofoed, Amabelia Rodrigues, Francisco Dias, Peter Aaby, and Ann-Mari Svennerholm. "Breast milk reduces the risk of illness in children of mothers with cholera: observations from an epidemic of cholera in Guinea-Bissau." Pediatr. Infect. Dis. J. 25, no. 12 (2006): 1163-1166.
19 Benn, Christine Stabell, Jan Wohlfahrt, Peter Aaby, Tine Westergaard, Eva Benfeldt, Kim Fleischer Michaelsen, Bengt Björkstén, and Mads Melbye. "Breastfeeding and risk of atopic dermatitis, by parental history of allergy, during the first 18 months of life." Am. J. Epidemiol. 160, no. 3 (2004): 217-223.
20 Jakobsen, Marianne, Morten Sodemann, Gunnar Nylén, Carlitos Balé, Jens Nielsen, Ida Lisse, and Peter Aaby. "Breastfeeding status as a predictor of mortality among refugee children in an emergency situation in Guinea-Bissau." Trop. Med. Int. Health 8, no. 11 (2003): 992-996.
21 Kofoed, P., F. Lopez, P. Aaby, K. Hedegaard, and L. Rombo. "Can mothers be trusted to give malaria treatment to their children at home?." (2003).
22 Nielsen, N M, J Wohlfahrt, P Aaby, H Hjalgrim, C B Pedersen, D S Askgaard, and M Melbye. "Cancer risk in a cohort of polio patients." Int. J. Cancer 92, no. 4 (2001): 605-608.
23 Vannberg, Fredrik O, Stephen J Chapman, Chiea C Khor, Kerrie Tosh, Sian Floyd, Dolly Jackson-Sillah, Amelia Crampin, Lifted Sichali, Boubacar Bah, Per Gustafson, Peter Aaby, Keith P W J McAdam, Oumou Bah-Sow, Christian Lienhardt, Giorgio Sirugo, Paul Fine, and Adrian V S Hill. "CD209 genetic polymorphism and tuberculosis disease." PLoS ONE 3, no. 1 (2008).
24 Hennig, Branwen J, Digna R Velez-Edwards, Maarten F Schim van der Loeff, Cyrille Bisseye, Todd L Edwards, Alessandra Tacconelli, Giuseppe Novelli, Peter Aaby, Steve Kaye, William K Scott, Assan Jaye, Hilton C Whittle, Scott M Williams, Adrian V Hill, and Giorgio Sirugo. "CD4 intragenic SNPs associate with HIV-2 plasma viral load and CD4 count in a community-based study from Guinea-Bissau, West Africa." J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr. 56, no. 1 (2011): 1-8.
25 da Silva, Zacarias J, Inês Oliveira, Andreas Andersen, Francisco Dias, Amabélia Rodrigues, Birgitta Holmgren, Sören Andersson, and Peter Aaby. "Changes in prevalence and incidence of HIV-1, HIV-2 and dual infections in urban areas of Bissau, Guinea-Bissau: is HIV-2 disappearing?." AIDS 22, no. 10 (2008): 1195-1202.
26 Rodrigues, Amabelia, Joanna Armstrong Schellenberg, Poul-Erik Kofoed, Peter Aaby, and Brian Greenwood. "Changing pattern of malaria in Bissau, Guinea Bissau." Trop. Med. Int. Health 13, no. 3 (2008): 410-417.
28 Aaby, P., K. Hedegaard, M. Sodemann, E. Nhante, J. Veirum, M. Jakobsen, I. M. Lisse, H. Jensen, and A. Sandstrom. "Childhood mortality after oral polio immunisation campaign in Guinea-Bissau." (2005).
29 Dalsgaard, A., A. Forslund, A. Petersen, D. Brown, F. Dias, S. Monteiro, K. Molbak, P. Aaby, A. Rodrigues, and A. Sandstrom. "Class 1 integron-borne, multiple-antibiotic resistance encoded by a 150-kilobase conjugative plasmid in epidemic vibrio cholerae O1 strains isolated in Guinea-Bissau 108." (2000).
30 Gustafson, P, V F Gomes, C S Vieira, B Samb, A Nauclér, P Aaby, and I Lisse. "Clinical predictors for death in HIV-positive and HIV-negative tuberculosis patients in Guinea-Bissau." Infection 35, no. 2 (2007): 69-80.
31 Steinsland, H., P. Valentiner-Branth, P. Aaby, K. Molbak, and H. Sommerfelt. "Clonal relatedness of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains isolated from a cohort of young children in Guinea-Bissau." (2004).
32 Valentiner-Branth, P., H. Steinsland, T. K. Fischer, M. Perch, F. Scheutz, F. Dias, P. Aaby, K. Molbak, and H. Sommerfelt. "Cohort study of Guinean children: incidence, pathogenicity, conferred protection, and attributable risk for enteropathogens during the first 2 years of life." (2003).
33 Benn, Christine Stabell, Mads Melbye, Jan Wohlfahrt, Bengt Björkstén, and Peter Aaby. "Cohort study of sibling effect, infectious diseases, and risk of atopic dermatitis during first 18 months of life." BMJ 328, no. 7450 (2004).
34 Aaby, Peter, and Henrik Jensen. "Commentary: Contrary findings from Guinea-Bissau and Papua New Guinea." Int J Epidemiol 34, no. 1 (2005): 149-151.
35 Valentiner-Branth, Palle, Michael Perch, Jens Nielsen, Hans Steinsland, May-Lill Garly, Thea K Fischer, Halvor Sommerfelt, Kåre Mølbak, and Peter Aaby. "Community cohort study of Cryptosporidium parvum infections: sex-differential incidences associated with BCG and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccinations." Vaccine 25, no. 14 (2007): 2733-2741.
36 Valentiner-Branth, P., M. Perch, J. Nielsen, H. Steinsland, M. L. Garly, T. K. Fischer, H. Sommerfelt, K. Molbak, and P. Aaby. "Community cohort study of Cryptosporidium parvum infections: sex-differential incidences associated with BCG and diptheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccinations VL -.." (2006).
37 Rodrigues, A., T. K. Fischer, P. Valentiner-Branth, J. Nielsen, H. Steinsland, M. Perch, M. L. Garly, K. Molbak, and P. Aaby. "Community cohort study of rotavirus and other enteropathogens: Are routine vaccinations associated with sex-differential incidence rates?." (2006).
38 Valentiner-Branth, P., H. Steinsland, G. Santos, M. Perch, K. Begtrup, M. K. Bhan, F. Dias, P. Aaby, H. Sommerfelt, and K. Molbak. "Community-based controlled trial of dietary management of children with persistent diarrhea: sustained beneficial effect on ponderal and linear growth." (2001).
39 Valentiner-Branth, P., H. Steinsland, H. K. Gjessing, G. Santos, M. K. Bhan, F. Dias, P. Aaby, H. Sommerfelt, and K. Molbak. "Community-based randomized controlled trial of reduced osmolarity oral rehydration solution in acute childhood diarrhea." (1999).
40 Stensballe, L., S. Trautner, P. Kofoed, E. Nante, K. Hedegaard, I. P. Jensen, and P. Aaby. "Comparison of nasopharyngeal aspirate and nasal swab specimens for detection of respiratory syncytial virus in different settings in a developing country." (2002).
41 Benn, Christine Stabell, Ane Baerent Fisker, Mathias Jul Jørgensen, and Peter Aaby. "Conflicting evidence for neonatal vitamin A supplementation." Vaccine 26, no. 33 (2008): 4111-4112.
42 Kofoed, Poul-Erik, Amabelia Rodrigues, Peter Aaby, and Lars Rombo. "Continued efficacy of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine as second line treatment for malaria in children in Guinea-Bissau." Acta Trop. 100, no. 3 (2006): 213-217.
43 Olesen, R, C Wejse, D R Velez, C Bisseye, M Sodemann, P Aaby, P Rabna, A Worwui, H Chapman, M Diatta, R A Adegbola, P C Hill, L Østergaard, S M Williams, and G Sirugo. "DC-SIGN (CD209), pentraxin 3 and vitamin D receptor gene variants associate with pulmonary tuberculosis risk in West Africans." Genes Immun. 8, no. 6 (2007): 456-467.
44 da Silva, Zacarias J, Jens Nielsen, Andreas Andersen, Inés Oliveira, Francisco Dias, Amabélia Rodrigues, Birgitta Holmgren, Sören Andersson, and Peter Aaby. "Decline in human T-cell lymphotropic virus-1 prevalence in urban areas of Bissau, Guinea-Bissau: exploring the association with HIV infections." AIDS 23, no. 5 (2009): 637-639.
45 Larsen, O., Z. da Silva, A. Sandstrom, P. Andersen, S. Andersson, A. Poulsen, M. Melbye, F. Dias, A. Naucler, and P. Aaby. "Declining HIV-2 prevalence and incidence among men in a community study from Guinea-Bissau." (1998).
46 Danneskiold-Samsøe, Niels, Ane Bærent Fisker, Mathias Jul Jørgensen, Henrik Ravn, Andreas Andersen, Ibraima Djogo Balde, Christian Leo-Hansen, Amabelia Rodrigues, Peter Aaby, and Christine Stabell Benn. "Determinants of vitamin a deficiency in children between 6 months and 2 years of age in Guinea-Bissau." BMC Public Health (2013).
47 Stensballe, Lone Graff, Kim Kristensen, Jens Nielsen, and Peter Aaby. "Diagnosis coding in The Danish National Patient Registry for respiratory syncytial virus infections." Scand. J. Infect. Dis. 37, no. 10 (2005): 747-752.
48 Aaby, Peter, Henrik Jensen, Badara Samb, Badara Cisse, Morten Sodemann, Marianne Jakobsen, Anja Poulsen, Amabelia Rodrigues, Ida Maria Lisse, Francois Simondon, and Hilton Whittle. "Differences in female-male mortality after high-titre measles vaccine and association with subsequent vaccination with diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis and inactivated poliovirus: reanalysis of West African studies." Lancet 361, no. 9376 (2003): 2183-2188.
50 Kofoed, Poul-Erik, Johan Ursing, Anja Poulsen, Amabelia Rodrigues, Yngve Bergquist, Peter Aaby, and Lars Rombo. "Different doses of amodiaquine and chloroquine for treatment of uncomplicated malaria in children in Guinea-Bissau: implications for future treatment recommendations." Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 101, no. 3 (2007): 231-238.