Central Data Catalog


1 Harris, Matthew E., David Serwadda, Nelson Sewankambo, Bohye Kim, Godfrey Kigozi, Noah Kiwanuka, James B. Phillips, Fred Wabwire, Mary Meehen, Tom Lutalo, James R. Lane, Randall Merling, Ron Gray, Maria Wawer, Deborah L. Birx, Merlin L. Robb, and Francine E. McCutchan. "Among 46 near full length HIV type 1 genome sequences from Rakai District, Uganda, subtype D and AD recombinants predominate." AIDS Res. Hum. Retroviruses (2002).
2 Brahmbhatt, Heena, David Bishai, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Godfrey Kigozi, Maria Wawer, Ronald H. Gray, and Group Rakai Project. "Polygyny, maternal HIV status and child survival: Rakai, Uganda." Soc Sci Med (2002).
3 Leav, Brett A, Malanie R Mackay, Akudo Anyanwu, Roberta M O' Connor, Ana Maria Cevallos, Gurpreet Kindra, Nigel C Rollins, Michael L Bennish, Richard G Nelson, and Honorine D Ward. "Analysis of sequence diversity at the highly polymorphic Cpgp40/15 locus among Cryptosporidium isolates from human immunodeficiency virus-infected children in South Africa." Infect. Immun. 70, no. 7 (2002): 3881-3890.
4 Korenromp, Eline L., Roel Bakker, Sake J. de Vlas, Ronald H. Gray, Maria J. Wawer, David Serwadda, Nelson K. Sewankambo, and J. Dik F. Habbema. "HIV dynamics and behaviour change as determinants of the impact of sexually transmitted disease treatment on HIV transmission in the context of the Rakai trial." AIDS (2002).
5 Korenromp, Eline L., Mondastri K. Sudaryo, Sake J. de Vlas, Ronald H. Gray, Nelson K. Sewankambo, David Serwadda, Maria J. Wawer, and J. Dik F. Habbema. "What proportion of episodes of gonorrhoea and chlamydia becomes symptomatic?." Int J STD AIDS (2002).
6 Serwadda, David, Ronald H. Gray, Nelson K. Sewankambo, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Michael Z. Chen, Thomas C. Quinn, Tom Lutalo, Noah Kiwanuka, Godfrey Kigozi, Fred Nalugoda, Mary P. Meehan, Rhoda Ashley Morrow, and Maria J. Wawer. "Human immunodeficiency virus acquisition associated with genital ulcer disease and herpes simplex virus type 2 infection: a nested case-control study in Rakai, Uganda." J. Infect. Dis. (2003).
7 Brahmbhatt, Heena, Godfrey Kigozi, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, David Serwadda, Nelson Sewankambo, Tom Lutalo, Maria J. Wawer, Carlos Abramowsky, David Sullivan, and Ronald Gray. "The effects of placental malaria on mother-to-child HIV transmission in Rakai, Uganda." AIDS (2003).
8 Aaby, Peter, Henrik Jensen, Badara Samb, Badara Cisse, Morten Sodemann, Marianne Jakobsen, Anja Poulsen, Amabelia Rodrigues, Ida Maria Lisse, Francois Simondon, and Hilton Whittle. "Differences in female-male mortality after high-titre measles vaccine and association with subsequent vaccination with diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis and inactivated poliovirus: reanalysis of West African studies." Lancet 361, no. 9376 (2003): 2183-2188.
9 Kelly, Robert J., Ronald H. Gray, Nelson K. Sewankambo, David Serwadda, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Tom Lutalo, and Maria J. Wawer. "Age differences in sexual partners and risk of HIV-1 infection in rural Uganda." J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr. (2003).
10 Kiddugavu, Mohammed, Fred Makumbi, Maria J. Wawer, David Serwadda, Nelson K. Sewankambo, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Tom Lutalo, Mary Meehan, Ronald H. Gray, and Group Rakai Project Study. "Hormonal contraceptive use and HIV-1 infection in a population-based cohort in Rakai, Uganda." AIDS (2003).
11 Kigozi, Godfrey G., Heena Brahmbhatt, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Maria J. Wawer, David Serwadda, Nelson Sewankambo, and Ronald H. Gray. "Treatment of Trichomonas in pregnancy and adverse outcomes of pregnancy: a subanalysis of a randomized trial in Rakai, Uganda." Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. (2003).
12 Orroth, Kate K., Eline L. Korenromp, Richard G. White, Awene Gavyole, Ron H. Gray, Lawrence Muhangi, Nelson K. Sewankambo, Maria Quigley, Maria J. Wawer, James A. Whitworth, Heiner Grosskurth, J. Dik Habbema, and Richard J. Hayes. "Higher risk behaviour and rates of sexually transmitted diseases in Mwanza compared to Uganda may help explain HIV prevention trial outcomes." AIDS (2003).
13 Koenig, Michael A., Tom Lutalo, Feng Zhao, Fred Nalugoda, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Noah Kiwanuka, Jennifer Wagman, David Serwadda, Maria Wawer, and Ron Gray. "Domestic violence in rural Uganda: evidence from a community-based study." Bull. World Health Organ. (2003).
14 Soares, Marcelo A, Tulio De Oliveira, Rodrigo M Brindeiro, Ricardo S Diaz, Ester C Sabino, Luís Brigido, Ivone L Pires, Mariza G Morgado, Maria C Dantas, Draurio Barreira, Paulo R Teixeira, Sharon Cassol, and Amilcar Tanuri. "A specific subtype C of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 circulates in Brazil." AIDS 17, no. 1 (2003): 11-21.
15 Gray, Ronald H., Xianbin Li, Maria J. Wawer, Stephen J. Gange, David Serwadda, Nelson K. Sewankambo, Richard Moore, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Tom Lutalo, Thomas C. Quinn, and Group Rakai Project. "Stochastic simulation of the impact of antiretroviral therapy and HIV vaccines on HIV transmission; Rakai, Uganda." AIDS (2003).
16 Hundt, Gillian Lewando, Maria Stuttaford, Bulelwa Ngoma, and Saspi Team. "The social diagnostics of stroke-like symptoms: healers, doctors and prophets in Agincourt, Limpopo Province, South Africa." J Biosoc Sci (2004).
17 Thoma, Marie, Ronald H. Gray, Noah Kiwanuka, David Serwadda, and Maria Wawer. "Unsafe injections and transmission of HIV-1 in sub-Saharan Africa." Lancet (2004).
18 Kiwanuka, Noah, Ronald H. Gray, David Serwadda, Xianbin Li, Nelson K. Sewankambo, Godfrey Kigozi, Tom Lutalo, Fred Nalugoda, and Maria J. Wawer. "The incidence of HIV-1 associated with injections and transfusions in a prospective cohort, Rakai, Uganda." AIDS (2004).
19 Kiwanuka, Noah, Merlin Robb, Godfrey Kigozi, Deborah Birx, James Philips, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Maria J. Wawer, Fred Nalugoda, Nelson K. Sewankambo, David Serwadda, and Ronald H. Gray. "Knowledge about vaccines and willingness to participate in preventive HIV vaccine trials: a population-based study, Rakai, Uganda." J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr. (2004).
20 Koenig, Michael A., Tom Lutalo, Feng Zhao, Fred Nalugoda, Noah Kiwanuka, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Godfrey Kigozi, Nelson Sewankambo, Jennifer Wagman, David Serwadda, Maria Wawer, and Ron Gray. "Coercive sex in rural Uganda: prevalence and associated risk factors." Soc Sci Med (2004).
21 Porter, Laura, Lingxin Hao, David Bishai, David Serwadda, Maria J. Wawer, Thomas Lutalo, Ronald Gray, and Team Rakai Project. "HIV status and union dissolution in sub-Saharan Africa: the case of Rakai, Uganda." Demography (2004).
22 Gray, Ronald H., X. Li, Maria J. Wawer, David Serwadda, Nelson K. Sewankambo, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Tom Lutalo, Noah Kiwanuka, Godfrey Kigozi, Fred Nalugoda, Mary P. Meehan, Merlin Robb, and Thomas C. Quinn. "Determinants of HIV-1 load in subjects with early and later HIV infections, in a general-population cohort of Rakai, Uganda." J. Infect. Dis. (2004).
23 Makumbi, Fredrick E., Ronald H. Gray, David Serwadda, Fred Nalugoda, Mohamed Kiddugavu, Nelson K. Sewankambo, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, and Maria J. Wawer. "The incidence and prevalence of orphanhood associated with parental HIV infection: a population-based study in Rakai, Uganda." AIDS (2005).
24 Aaby, Peter, Henrik Jensen, Christine Stabell Benn, and Ida Maria Lisse. "Non-specific effects of vaccination: survival bias may explain findings." BMJ 330, no. 7495 (2005): 844-845; .
25 Matovu, Joseph K. B., Ronald H. Gray, Fredrick Makumbi, Maria J. Wawer, David Serwadda, Godfrey Kigozi, Nelson K. Sewankambo, and Fred Nalugoda. "Voluntary HIV counseling and testing acceptance, sexual risk behavior and HIV incidence in Rakai, Uganda." AIDS (2005).
26 Singer, Darrell E., Noah Kiwanuka, David Serwadda, Fred Nalugoda, Linda Hird, Jamie Bulken-Hoover, Godfrey Kigozi, Jennifer A. Malia, Eva K. Calero, Warren Sateren, Merlin L. Robb, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Maria Wawer, Ronald H. Gray, Nelson Sewankambo, Deborah L. Birx, and Nelson L. Michael. "Use of stored serum from Uganda for development and evaluation of a human immunodeficiency virus type 1 testing algorithm involving multiple rapid immunoassays." J. Clin. Microbiol. (2005).
27 Kagaayi, Joseph, Michele L. Dreyfuss, Godfrey Kigozi, Michael Z. Chen, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, David Serwadda, Maria J. Wawer, Nelson K. Sewankambo, Fred Nalugoda, Noah Kiwanuka, Meddie Kiddugavu, and Ronald H. Gray. "Maternal self-medication and provision of nevirapine to newborns by women in Rakai, Uganda." J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr. (2005).
28 Collinson, Andrew, Sophie Moore, Maria O'Connell, Charles Charalambos, and Andrew Prentice. "Developmental changes in leptin as a measure of energy status in human infants in a natural ecologic setting." Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 81, no. 2 (2005): 488-494.
29 Kiddugavu, Mohammed G., Noah Kiwanuka, Maria J. Wawer, David Serwadda, Nelson K. Sewankambo, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Fredrick Makumbi, Xianbin Li, Steven J. Reynolds, Thomas C. Quinn, Ronald H. Gray, and Group Rakai Study. "Effectiveness of syphilis treatment using azithromycin and/or benzathine penicillin in Rakai, Uganda." Sex Transm Dis (2005).
30 Wawer, Maria J., Ronald H. Gray, Nelson K. Sewankambo, David Serwadda, Xianbin Li, Oliver Laeyendecker, Noah Kiwanuka, Godfrey Kigozi, Mohammed Kiddugavu, Thomas Lutalo, Fred Nalugoda, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Mary P. Meehan, and Thomas C. Quinn. "Rates of HIV-1 transmission per coital act, by stage of HIV-1 infection, in Rakai, Uganda." J. Infect. Dis. (2005).
31 Wawer, Maria J., Steven J. Reynolds, David Serwadda, Godfrey Kigozi, Noah Kiwanuka, and Ronald H. Gray. "Might male circumcision be more protective against HIV in the highly exposed? An immunological hypothesis." AIDS (2005).
32 Wawer, Maria J., David Serwadda, Thomas C. Quinn, Nelson Sewankambo, Noah Kiwanuka, Xianbin Li, and Ronald H. Gray. "Reply to Gisselquist and Potterat." J Infect Dis. (2005).
33 Gray, Ronald H., Xianbin Li, Godfrey Kigozi, David Serwadda, Heena Brahmbhatt, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Fred Nalugoda, Mohamed Kiddugavu, Nelson Sewankambo, Thomas C. Quinn, Steven J. Reynolds, and Maria J. Wawer. "Increased risk of incident HIV during pregnancy in Rakai, Uganda: a prospective study." Lancet (2005).
34 Gray, Ronald H., Nelson K. Sewankambo, Maria J. Wawer, David Serwadda, Noah Kiwanuka, and Tom Lutalo. "Disclosure of HIV status on informed consent forms presents an ethical dilemma for protection of human subjects." J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr. (2006).
35 Arroyo, Miguel A., Warren B. Sateren, David Serwadda, Ronald H. Gray, Maria J. Wawer, Nelson K. Sewankambo, Noah Kiwanuka, Godfrey Kigozi, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Michael Eller, Leigh Anne Eller, Deborah L. Birx, Merlin L. Robb, and Francine E. McCutchan. "Higher HIV-1 incidence and genetic complexity along main roads in Rakai District, Uganda." J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr. (2006).
36 Aaby, Peter, Per Gustafson, Adam Roth, Amabelia Rodrigues, Manuel Fernandes, Morten Sodemann, Birgitta Holmgren, Christine Stabell Benn, May-Lill Garly, Ida Maria Lisse, and Henrik Jensen. "Vaccinia scars associated with better survival for adults. An observational study from Guinea-Bissau." Vaccine 24, no. 29-30 (2006): 5718-5725.
37 Atkinson, Sarah H, Kirk Rockett, Giorgio Sirugo, Philip A Bejon, Anthony Fulford, Maria A O'Connell, Robin Bailey, Dominic P Kwiatkowski, and Andrew M Prentice. "Seasonal childhood anaemia in West Africa is associated with the haptoglobin 2-2 genotype." PLoS Med. 3, no. 5 (2006).
38 Brahmbhatt, Heena, Godfrey Kigozi, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, David Serwadda, Tom Lutalo, Fred Nalugoda, Nelson Sewankambo, Mohamed Kiduggavu, Maria Wawer, and Ronald Gray. "Mortality in HIV-infected and uninfected children of HIV-infected and uninfected mothers in rural Uganda." J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr. (2006).
39 Spacek, Lisa A., Ronald H. Gray, Maria J. Wawer, Nelson K. Sewankambo, David Serwadda, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Noah Kiwanuka, Godfrey Kigozi, Fred Nalugoda, Thomas C. Quinn, and Group Rakai Project Study. "Clinical illness as a marker for initiation of HIV antiretroviral therapy in a rural setting, Rakai, Uganda." Int J STD AIDS (2006).
40 Stuttaford, Maria, Claudette Bryanston, Gillian Lewando Hundt, Myles Connor, Margaret Thorogood, and Stephen Tollman. "Use of applied theatre in health research dissemination and data validation: a pilot study from South Africa." Health (London) (2006).
41 Choge, Isaac, Tonie Cilliers, Polly Walker, Natasha Taylor, Mary Phoswa, Tammy Meyers, Johannes Viljoen, Avy Violari, Glenda Gray, Penny L Moore, Maria Papathanosopoulos, and Lynn Morris. "Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of viral isolates from HIV-1 subtype C-infected children with slow and rapid disease progression." AIDS Res. Hum. Retroviruses 22, no. 5 (2006): 458-465.
42 Poulsen, Anja, Lone Graff Stensballe, Jens Nielsen, Christine Stabell Benn, Aliu Balde, Adam Roth, Ida Maria Lisse, and Peter Aaby. "Long-term consequences of respiratory syncytial virus acute lower respiratory tract infection in early childhood in Guinea-bissau." Pediatr. Infect. Dis. J. 25, no. 11 (2006): 1025-1031.
43 Jensen, Mette Lundsby, Sangeeta Dave, Maarten Schim van der Loeff, Carlos da Costa, Tim Vincent, Aleksandra Leligdowicz, Christine Stabell Benn, Adam Roth, Henrik Ravn, Ida Maria Lisse, Hilton Whittle, and Peter Aaby. "Vaccinia scars associated with improved survival among adults in rural Guinea-Bissau." PLoS ONE (2006).
44 Nguyen, Ruby Hn, Stephen J. Gange, David Serwadda, Godfrey Kigozi, Noah Kiwanuka, Nelson K. Sewankambo, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Thomas C. Quinn, Maria Wawer, and Ronald H. Gray. "Screening HIV-positive pregnant women for antiretroviral therapy: utility of self-reported symptoms." Int J STD AIDS (2006).
45 Nguyen, Ruby H. N., Stephen J. Gange, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Nelson K. Sewankambo, David Serwadda, Maria J. Wawer, Thomas C. Quinn, and Ronald H. Gray. "Reduced fertility among HIV-infected women associated with viral load in Rakai district, Uganda." Int J STD AIDS (2006).
46 Wawer, Maria J., David Serwadda, Thomas C. Quinn, Nelson Sewankambo, Noah Kiwanuka, Xianbin Li, and Ronald H. Gray. "Reply to Hayes and White." J Infect Dis. (2006).
47 Zablotska, Iryna B., Ronald H. Gray, David Serwadda, Fred Nalugoda, Godfrey Kigozi, Nelson Sewankambo, Tom Lutalo, Fred Wabwire Mangen, and Maria Wawer. "Alcohol use before sex and HIV acquisition: a longitudinal study in Rakai, Uganda." AIDS (2006).
49 Diness, Birgitte R, Ane B Fisker, Adam Roth, Maria Yazdanbakhsh, Erliyani Sartono, Hilton Whittle, Jose E Nante, Ida M Lisse, Henrik Ravn, Amabelia Rodrigues, Peter Aaby, and Christine S Benn. "Effect of high-dose vitamin A supplementation on the immune response to Bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccine." Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 86, no. 4 (2007): 1152-1159.
50 Gray, Ronald H., and Maria J. Wawer. "Randomised trials of HIV prevention." Lancet (2007).