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Abdool Karim, Salim, Quarraisha Abdool Karim, Miriam Adhikari, Sharon Cassol, Matthew Chersich, Peter Cooper, Ashraf Coovadia, Hoosen Coovadia, Mark Cotton, Anna Coutsoudis, Win Hide, Greg Hussey, Gary Maartens, Shabir Madhi, Des Martin, John M Pettifor, Nigel Rollins, Gayle Sherman, Stanley Thula, Michael Urban, Sithembiso Velaphi, and Carolyn Williamson.
Vertical HIV transmission in South Africa: translating research into policy and practice
Lancet 359, no. 9311 (2002): 992-993.
Achee, Nicole L., Michael J. Bangs, Robert Farlow, Gerry F. Killeen, Steve Lindsay, James G. Logan, Sarah J. Moore, Mark Rowland, Kevin Sweeney, Steve J. Torr, Laurence J. Zwiebel, and John P. Grieco.
Spatial repellents: from discovery and development to evidence-based validation
Malar. J. (2012).
Akala, Hoseah M, Fredrick L Eyase, Agnes C Cheruiyot, Angela A Omondi, Bernhards R Ogutu, Norman C Waters, Jacob D Johnson, Mark E Polhemus, David C Schnabel, and Douglas S Walsh.
Antimalarial drug sensitivity profile of western Kenya Plasmodium falciparum field isolates determined by a SYBR Green I in vitro assay and molecular analysis
Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 85, no. 1 (2011): 34-41.
Byass, Peter, Kathleen Kahn, Edward Fottrell, Mark A. Collinson, and Stephen M. Tollman.
Moving from data on deaths to public health policy in Agincourt, South Africa: approaches to analysing and understanding verbal autopsy findings
PLoS Med. (2010).
Byass, Peter, Kathleen Kahn, Edward Fottrell, Paul Mee, Mark A. Collinson, and Stephen M. Tollman.
Using verbal autopsy to track epidemic dynamics: the case of HIV-related mortality in South Africa
Popul Health Metr (2011).
Byass, Peter, Wayne Twine, Mark Collinson, Stephen Tollman, and Tord Kjellstrom.
Assessing a population's exposure to heat and humidity: an empirical approach
Glob Health Action (2010).
Clark, Samuel J., Mark A. Collinson, Kathleen Kahn, Kyle Drullinger, and Stephen M. Tollman.
Returning home to die: circular labour migration and mortality in South Africa
Scand J Public Health Suppl (2007).
Clark, Samuel J., Kathleen Kahn, Brian Houle, Adriane Arteche, Mark A. Collinson, Stephen M. Tollman, and Alan Stein.
Young children's probability of dying before and after their mother's death: a rural South African population-based surveillance study
PLoS Med. (2013).
Coffee, Megan, Mark N Lurie, and Geoff P Garnett.
Modelling the impact of migration on the HIV epidemic in South Africa
AIDS 21, no. 3 (2007): 343-350.
Collinson, Mark A.
Striving against adversity: the dynamics of migration, health and poverty in rural South Africa
Glob Health Action (2010).
Collinson, Mark A.
Striving against adversity: the dynamics of migration, health and poverty in rural South Africa
Glob Health Action (2010).
Collinson, Mark A., Stephen M. Tollman, and Kathleen Kahn.
Migration, settlement change and health in post-apartheid South Africa: triangulating health and demographic surveillance with national census data
Scand J Public Health Suppl (2007).
Collinson, Mark, Brent Wolff, Stephen Tollman, and Kathleen Kahn.
Trends in internal labour migration from the rural Limpopo Province, male risk behaviour, and implications for spread of HIV/AIDS in rural South Africa
J Ethn Migr Stud (2006).
Cook, John T, Deborah A Frank, Carol Berkowitz, Maureen M Black, Patrick H Casey, Diana B Cutts, Alan F Meyers, Nieves Zaldivar, Anne Skalicky, Suzette Levenson, Tim Heeren, and Mark Nord.
Food insecurity is associated with adverse health outcomes among human infants and toddlers
J. Nutr. 134, no. 6 (2004): 1432-1438.
Crush, Jonathan, Brian Williams, Eleanor Gouws, and Mark Lurie.
Migration and HIV/AIDS in South Africa
Feikin, Daniel R, M Kariuki Njenga, Godfrey Bigogo, Barrack Aura, George Aol, Allan Audi, Geoffrey Jagero, Peter Ochieng Muluare, Stella Gikunju, Leonard Nderitu, Amanda Balish, Jonas Winchell, Eileen Schneider, Dean Erdman, M Steven Oberste, Mark A Katz, and Robert F Breiman.
Etiology and Incidence of viral and bacterial acute respiratory illness among older children and adults in rural western Kenya, 2007-2010
PLoS ONE 7, no. 8 (2012).
Floyd, Sian, Milly Marston, Kathy Baisley, Alison Wringe, Kobus Herbst, Menard Chihana, Ivan Kasamba, Till Bärnighausen, Mark Urassa, Neil French, Jim Todd, and Basia Zaba.
The effect of antiretroviral therapy provision on all-cause, AIDS and non-AIDS mortality at the population level--a comparative analysis of data from four settings in Southern and East Africa
Trop. Med. Int. Health 17, no. 8 (2012).
Fukuda, Mark M, Terry A Klein, Tadeusz Kochel, Talia M Quandelacy, Bryan L Smith, Jeff Villinski, Delia Bethell, Stuart Tyner, Youry Se, Chanthap Lon, David Saunders, Jacob Johnson, Eric Wagar, Douglas Walsh, Matthew Kasper, Jose L Sanchez, Clara J Witt, Qin Cheng, Norman Waters, Sanjaya K Shrestha, Julie A Pavlin, Andres G Lescano, Paul C F Graf, Jason H Richardson, Salomon Durand, William O Rogers, David L Blazes, Kevin L Russell, Hoseah Akala, Joel C Gaydos, Robert F DeFraites, Panita Gosi, Ans Timmermans, Chad Yasuda, Gary Brice, Fred Eyase, Karl Kronmann, Peter Sebeny, Robert Gibbons, Richard Jarman, John Waitumbi, David Schnabel, Allen Richards, and Dennis Shanks.
Malaria and other vector-borne infection surveillance in the U.S. Department of Defense Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center-Global Emerging Infections Surveillance program: review of 2009 accomplishments
BMC Public Health (2011).
Garenne, Michel, Kathleen Kahn, Mark Collinson, Xavier Gómez-Olivé, and Stephen Tollman.
Protective effect of pregnancy in rural South Africa: questioning the concept of "indirect cause" of maternal death
PLoS ONE (2013).
Garenne, Michel L., Stephen M. Tollman, Mark A. Collinson, and Kathleen Kahn.
Fertility trends and net reproduction in Agincourt, rural South Africa, 1992-2004
Scand J Public Health Suppl (2007).
Gwamaka, Moses, Michal Fried, Gonzalo Domingo, and Patrick E. Duffy.
Early and extensive CD55 loss from red blood cells supports a causal role in malarial anaemia
Malar J (2011).
Gwamaka, Moses, Jonathan D. Kurtis, Bess E. Sorensen, Sarah Holte, Robert Morrison, Theonest K. Mutabingwa, Michal Fried, and Patrick E. Duffy.
Iron deficiency protects against severe Plasmodium falciparum malaria and death in young children
Clin. Infect. Dis. (2012).
Hanlon, Charlotte, Girmay Medhin, Atalay Alem, Fikru Tesfaye, Zufan Lakew, Bogale Worku, Michael Dewey, Mesfin Araya, Abdulreshid Abdulahi, Marcus Hughes, Mark Tomlinson, Vikram Patel, and Martin Prince.
Impact of antenatal common mental disorders upon perinatal outcomes in Ethiopia: the P-MaMiE population-based cohort study
Trop. Med. Int. Health (2009).
Hargreaves, James R., Mark A. Collinson, Kathleen Kahn, Samuel J. Clark, and Stephen M. Tollman.
Childhood mortality among former Mozambican refugees and their hosts in rural South Africa
Int J Epidemiol (2004).
Hunter, Lori M., Raphael Nawrotzki, Stefan Leyk, Galen J. Maclaurin, Wayne Twine, Mark Collinson, and Barend Erasmus.
Rural Outmigration, Natural Capital, and Livelihoods in South Africa
Hunter, Susan-Catherine, Raphael Isingo, J. Ties Boerma, Mark Urassa, Gabriel M. P. Mwaluko, and Basia Zaba.
The association between HIV and fertility in a cohort study in rural Tanzania
J Biosoc Sci (2003).
Isingo, Raphael, Alison Wringe, Jim Todd, Mark Urassa, Doris Mbata, Griter Maiseli, Rose Manyalla, John Changalucha, Julius Mngara, Ester Mwinuka, and Basia Zaba.
Trends in the uptake of voluntary counselling and testing for HIV in rural Tanzania in the context of the scale up of antiretroviral therapy
Trop. Med. Int. Health (2012).
Isingo, Raphael, Basia Zaba, Milly Marston, Milalu Ndege, Julius Mngara, Wambura Mwita, Alison Wringe, David Beckles, John Changalucha, and Mark Urassa.
Survival after HIV infection in the pre-antiretroviral therapy era in a rural Tanzanian cohort
AIDS (2007).
Islam, Ziaul, Brian Maskery, Andrew Nyamete, Mark S. Horowitz, Mohammad Yunus, and Dale Whittington.
Private demand for cholera vaccines in rural Matlab, Bangladesh
Health Policy (2008).
Johnson, Kristine E, Andrew D Redd, Thomas C Quinn, Aleisha N Collinson-Streng, Toby Cornish, Xiangrong Kong, Rajni Sharma, Aaron A R Tobian, Benjamin Tsai, Mark E Sherman, Godfrey Kigozi, David Serwadda, Maria J Wawer, and Ronald H Gray.
Effects of HIV-1 and herpes simplex virus type 2 infection on lymphocyte and dendritic cell density in adult foreskins from Rakai, Uganda
J. Infect. Dis. 203, no. 5 (2011): 602-609.
Johnson, Kristine E., Mark E. Sherman, Victor Ssempiija, Aaron A. R. Tobian, Jonathan M. Zenilman, Maire A. Duggan, Godfrey Kigozi, David Serwadda, Maria J. Wawer, Thomas C. Quinn, Charles S. Rabkin, and Ronald H. Gray.
Foreskin inflammation is associated with HIV and herpes simplex virus type-2 infections in Rakai, Uganda
AIDS (2009).
Kahn, Kathleen, Mark A. Collinson, F. Xavier Gómez-Olivé, Obed Mokoena, Rhian Twine, Paul Mee, Sulaimon A. Afolabi, Benjamin D. Clark, Chodziwadziwa W. Kabudula, Audrey Khosa, Simon Khoza, Mildred G. Shabangu, Bernard Silaule, Jeffrey B. Tibane, Ryan G. Wagner, Michel L. Garenne, Samuel J. Clark, and Stephen M. Tollman.
Profile: Agincourt health and socio-demographic surveillance system
Int J Epidemiol (2012).
Kahn, Kathleen, Michel L. Garenne, Mark A. Collinson, and Stephen M. Tollman.
Mortality trends in a new South Africa: hard to make a fresh start
Scand J Public Health Suppl (2007).
Kahn, Kathleen, Stephen M Tollman, Mark A Collinson, Samuel J Clark, Rhian Twine, Benjamin D Clark, Mildred Shabangu, Francesc Xavier Gómez-Olivé, Obed Mokoena, and Michel L Garenne.
Research into health, population and social transitions in rural South Africa: data and methods of the Agincourt Health and Demographic Surveillance System
Scand J Public Health Suppl (2007).
Kishamawe, Coleman, Debby C. J. Vissers, Mark Urassa, Raphael Isingo, Gabriel Mwaluko, Gerard J. J. M. Borsboom, Hélène A. C. M. Voeten, Basia Zaba, J. Dik F. Habbema, and Sake J. de Vlas.
Mobility and HIV in Tanzanian couples: both mobile persons and their partners show increased risk
AIDS (2006).
Kumogola, Yusufu, Emma Slaymaker, Basia Zaba, Julius Mngara, Raphael Isingo, John Changalucha, Patrick Mwidunda, Daniel Kimaro, and Mark Urassa.
Trends in HIV & syphilis prevalence and correlates of HIV infection: results from cross-sectional surveys among women attending ante-natal clinics in Northern Tanzania
BMC Public Health (2010).
Leimkugel, Julia, Abraham Hodgson, Abudulai Adams Forgor, Valentin Pflüger, Jean-Pierre Dangy, Tom Smith, Mark Achtman, Sébastien Gagneux, and Gerd Pluschke.
Clonal waves of Neisseria colonisation and disease in the African meningitis belt: eight- year longitudinal study in northern Ghana
PLoS Med. 4, no. 3 (2007).
Leyk, Stefan, Galen J. Maclaurin, Lori M. Hunter, Raphael Nawrotzki, Wayne Twine, Mark Collinson, and Barend Erasmus.
Spatially and temporally varying associations between temporary outmigration and natural resource availability in resource-dependent rural communities in South Africa: A modeling framework
Applied Geography (2012).
Lurie, Mark N, Brian G Williams, Khangelani Zuma, David Mkaya-Mwamburi, Geoff P Garnett, Michael D Sweat, Joel Gittelsohn, and Salim S Abdool Karim.
Who infects whom? HIV-1 concordance and discordance among migrant and non-migrant couples in South Africa
AIDS 17, no. 15 (2003): 2245-2252.
Lurie, Mark N, Brian G Williams, Khangelani Zuma, David Mkaya-Mwamburi, Geoff Garnett, Adriaan W Sturm, Michael D Sweat, Joel Gittelsohn, and Salim S Abdool Karim.
The impact of migration on HIV-1 transmission in South Africa: a study of migrant and nonmigrant men and their partners
Sex Transm Dis 30, no. 2 (2003): 149-156.
Lurie, Mark N.
Comment: fertility, mobility, and changing household dynamics in South Africa
Scand J Public Health Suppl (2007).
Madhavan, Sangeetha, Mark Collinson, Nicholas W. Townsend, Kathleen Kahn, and Stephen M. Tollman.
The implications of long term community involvement for the production and circulation of population knowledge
Demogr Res (2007).
Madhavan, Sangeetha, Enid Schatz, Samuel Clark, and Mark Collinson.
Child mobility, maternal status, and household composition in rural South Africa
Demography (2012).
Marston, Milly, Denna Michael, Alison Wringe, Raphael Isingo, Benjamin D. Clark, Aswile Jonas, Julius Mngara, Samweli Kalongoji, Joyce Mbaga, John Changalucha, Jim Todd, Basia Zaba, and Mark Urassa.
The impact of antiretroviral therapy on adult mortality in rural Tanzania
Trop. Med. Int. Health (2012).
Medhin, Girmay, Charlotte Hanlon, Michael Dewey, Atalay Alem, Fikru Tesfaye, Bogale Worku, Mark Tomlinson, and Martin Prince.
Prevalence and predictors of undernutrition among infants aged six and twelve months in Butajira, Ethiopia: the P-MaMiE Birth Cohort
BMC Public Health (2010).
Menken, Jane, Linda Duffy, and Randall Kuhn.
Childbearing and Women's Survival: New Evidence from Rural Bangladesh
Musenge, Eustasius, Penelope Vounatsou, Mark Collinson, Stephen Tollman, and Kathleen Kahn.
The contribution of spatial analysis to understanding HIV/TB mortality in children: a structural equation modelling approach
Glob Health Action (2013).
Mwaluko, Gabriel, Mark Urassa, Raphael Isingo, Basia Zaba, and J. Ties Boerma.
Trends in HIV and sexual behaviour in a longitudinal study in a rural population in Tanzania, 1994-2000
AIDS (2003).
Nair, Harish, W Abdullah Brooks, Mark Katz, Anna Roca, James A Berkley, Shabir A Madhi, James Mark Simmerman, Aubree Gordon, Masatoki Sato, Stephen Howie, Anand Krishnan, Maurice Ope, Kim A Lindblade, Phyllis Carosone-Link, Marilla Lucero, Walter Ochieng, Laurie Kamimoto, Erica Dueger, Niranjan Bhat, Sirenda Vong, Evropi Theodoratou, Malinee Chittaganpitch, Osaretin Chimah, Angel Balmaseda, Philippe Buchy, Eva Harris, Valerie Evans, Masahiko Katayose, Bharti Gaur, Cristina O'Callaghan-Gordo, Doli Goswami, Wences Arvelo, Marietjie Venter, Thomas Briese, Rafal Tokarz, Marc-Alain Widdowson, Anthony W Mounts, Robert F Breiman, Daniel R Feikin, Keith P Klugman, Sonja J Olsen, Bradford D Gessner, Peter F Wright, Igor Rudan, Shobha Broor, Eric A F Simões, and Harry Campbell.
Global burden of respiratory infections due to seasonal influenza in young children: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Lancet 378, no. 9807 (2011): 1917-1930.
Ng'weshemi, Japheth, Mark Urassa, Raphael Isingo, Gabriel Mwaluko, Juliana Ngalula, Ties Boerma, Milly Marston, and Basia Zaba.
HIV impact on mother and child mortality in rural Tanzania
J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr. (2003).
Showing 1-50 of 82