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Adair, Linda S, and Andrew M Prentice.
A critical evaluation of the fetal origins hypothesis and its implications for developing countries
J. Nutr. 134, no. 1 (2004): 191-193.
Bates, Christopher J., Neal Matthews, Beryl West, Linda Morison, and Gijs Walraven.
Plasma carotenoid and vitamin E concentrations in women living in a rural west African (Gambian) community
Int J Vitam Nutr Res (2002).
Coleman, Rosalind, Linda Morison, Katie Paine, Richard A. Powell, and Gijs Walraven.
Women's reproductive health and depression: a community survey in the Gambia, West Africa
Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol (2006).
de Paoli, Marina M, Ntombizodumo B Mkwanazi, Linda M Richter, and Nigel Rollins.
Early cessation of breastfeeding to prevent postnatal transmission of HIV: a recommendation in need of guidance
Acta Paediatr. 97, no. 12 (2008): 1663-1668.
Halton, Kate, Amy A. Ratcliffe, Linda Morison, Beryl West, Matthew Shaw, Robin Bailey, and Gijs Walraven.
Herpes simplex 2 risk among women in a polygynous setting in rural West Africa
AIDS (2003).
Hawkes, Sarah, Linda Morison, Jyotsnamoy Chakraborty, Kaniz Gausia, Farid Ahmed, Shamim Sufia Islam, Nazmul Alam, David Brown, and David Mabey.
Reproductive tract infections: prevalence and risk factors in rural Bangladesh
Bull. World Health Organ. (2002).
Hornshøj, Linda, Christine Stabell Benn, Manuel Fernandes, Amabelia Rodrigues, Peter Aaby, and Ane Bærent Fisker.
Vaccination coverage and out-of-sequence vaccinations in rural Guinea-Bissau: an observational cohort study
BMJ Open 2, no. 6 (2012).
Jaspan, Heather B, Glenda E Gray, Andrew K L Robinson, Hoosen M Coovadia, and Linda-Gail Bekker.
Scientific justification for the participation of children and adolescents in HIV-1 vaccine trials in South Africa
S. Afr. Med. J. 95, no. 9 (2005): 685-687.
Kamau, Edwin, Ladonna S Tolbert, Luke Kortepeter, Michael Pratt, Nancy Nyakoe, Linda Muringo, Bernard Ogutu, John N Waitumbi, and Christian F Ockenhouse.
Development of a highly sensitive genus-specific quantitative reverse transcriptase real-time PCR assay for detection and quantitation of plasmodium by amplifying RNA and DNA of the 18S rRNA genes
J. Clin. Microbiol. 49, no. 8 (2011): 2946-2953.
Lâm, Hoàng Thi, Eva Rönmark, Nguyen Văn Tu'ò'ng, Linda Ekerljung, Nguyen Thi Kim Chúc, and Bo Lundbäck.
Increase in asthma and a high prevalence of bronchitis: results from a population study among adults in urban and rural Vietnam
Respir Med 105, no. 2 (2011): 177-185.
Littlejohns, Peter, Jeremy C Wyatt, and Linda Garvican.
Evaluating computerised health information systems: hard lessons still to be learnt
BMJ 326, no. 7394 (2003): 860-863.
Menken, Jane, Linda Duffy, and Randall Kuhn.
Childbearing and Women's Survival: New Evidence from Rural Bangladesh
Richter, Linda, Upjeet Chandan, and Tamsen Rochat.
Improving hospital care for young children in the context of HIV/AIDS and poverty
J Child Health Care 13, no. 3 (2009): 198-211.
Richter, Linda M, Shane A Norris, Tanya M Swart, and Carren Ginsburg.
In-migration and Living Conditions of Young Adolescents in Greater Johannesburg, South Africa
Soc Dyn 32, no. 1 (2006): 195-216.
Richter, Linda M, Lorraine Sherr, Michele Adato, Mark Belsey, Upjeet Chandan, Chris Desmond, Scott Drimie, Mary Haour-Knipe, Victoria Hosegood, Jose Kimou, Sangeetha Madhavan, Vuyiswa Mathambo, and Angela Wakhweya.
Strengthening families to support children affected by HIV and AIDS
AIDS Care (2009).
Rochat, Tamsen J, Linda M Richter, Helen A Doll, Nomphilo P Buthelezi, Andrew Tomkins, and Alan Stein.
Depression among pregnant rural South African women undergoing HIV testing
JAMA 295, no. 12 (2006): 1376-1378.
Sherr, Lorraine, Rebecca Varrall, Joanne Mueller, Linda Richter, Angela Wakhweya, Michele Adato, Mark Belsey, Upjeet Chandan, Scott Drimie, Mary Haour-Knipe Victoria Hosegood, Jose Kimou, Sangeetha Madhavan, Vuyiswa Mathambo, and Chris Desmond.
A systematic review on the meaning of the concept 'AIDS Orphan': confusion over definitions and implications for care
AIDS Care 20, no. 5 (2008): 527-536.
Shibre, Teshome, Anna Spångéus, Linda Henriksson, Alemayehu Negash, and Lars Jacobsson.
Traditional treatment of mental disorders in rural Ethiopia
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Singer, Darrell E., Noah Kiwanuka, David Serwadda, Fred Nalugoda, Linda Hird, Jamie Bulken-Hoover, Godfrey Kigozi, Jennifer A. Malia, Eva K. Calero, Warren Sateren, Merlin L. Robb, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Maria Wawer, Ronald H. Gray, Nelson Sewankambo, Deborah L. Birx, and Nelson L. Michael.
Use of stored serum from Uganda for development and evaluation of a human immunodeficiency virus type 1 testing algorithm involving multiple rapid immunoassays
J. Clin. Microbiol. (2005).
Tindana, Paulina O, Linda Rozmovits, Renaud F Boulanger, Sunita V S Bandewar, Raymond A Aborigo, Abraham V O Hodgson, Pamela Kolopack, and James V Lavery.
Aligning community engagement with traditional authority structures in global health research: a case study from northern Ghana
Am J Public Health 101, no. 10 (2011): 1857-1867.
Vohr, Betty R, Brenda B Poindexter, Anna M Dusick, Leslie T McKinley, Linda L Wright, John C Langer, and W Kenneth Poole.
Beneficial effects of breast milk in the neonatal intensive care unit on the developmental outcome of extremely low birth weight infants at 18 months of age
Pediatrics 118, no. 1 (2006).
Walraven, Gijs, Jennifer Blum, Yusupha Dampha, Maimuna Sowe, Linda Morison, Beverly Winikoff, and Nancy Sloan.
Misoprostol in the management of the third stage of labour in the home delivery setting in rural Gambia: a randomised controlled trial
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Walraven, Gijs, Gloria Ekpo, Rosalind Coleman, Caroline Scherf, Linda Morison, and Siobán D. Harlow.
Menstrual disorders in rural Gambia
Stud Fam Plann (2002).
Showing 1-23 of 23