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1 Aaby, P, B Cisse, F Simondon, B Samb, M Soumaré, and H Whittle. "Waning of vaccine-induced immunity: is it a problem in Africa?." Am. J. Epidemiol. 149, no. 4 (1999): 304-305.
2 Aaby, P., M. L. Garly, C. Bale, C. Martins, H. Jensen, I. M. Lisse, and H. Whittle. "Survival of previously measles-vaccinated and measles-unvaccinated children in an emergency situation: an unplanned study." (2003).
4 Aaby, P., F. Simondon, B. Samb, B. Cisse, H. Jensen, I. M. Lisse, M. Soumare, and H. Whittle. "Low mortality after mild measles infection compared to uninfected children in rural West Africa." (2002).
5 Aaby, P., H. Whittle, B. Cisse, B. Samb, H. Jensen, and F. Simondon. "The frailty hypothesis revisited: mainly weak children die of measles." (2001).
6 Aaby, Peter, Henrik Jensen, Badara Samb, Badara Cisse, Morten Sodemann, Marianne Jakobsen, Anja Poulsen, Amabelia Rodrigues, Ida Maria Lisse, Francois Simondon, and Hilton Whittle. "Differences in female-male mortality after high-titre measles vaccine and association with subsequent vaccination with diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis and inactivated poliovirus: reanalysis of West African studies." Lancet 361, no. 9376 (2003): 2183-2188.
7 Aaby, Peter, Henrik Jensen, and Hilton Whittle. "High-titre measles vaccine and female mortality." Lancet 362, no. 9397 (2003).
8 Aaby, Peter, Cesario Martins, Carlito Bale, May-Lill Garly, Amabelia Rodrigues, Sidu Biai, Ida M Lisse, Hilton Whittle, and Christine S Benn. "Sex differences in the effect of vaccines on the risk of hospitalization due to measles in Guinea-bissau." Pediatr. Infect. Dis. J. 29, no. 4 (2010): 324-328.
9 Aaby, Peter, Cesário L Martins, May-Lill Garly, Carlito Balé, Andreas Andersen, Amabelia Rodrigues, Henrik Ravn, Ida M Lisse, Christine S Benn, and Hilton C Whittle. "Non-specific effects of standard measles vaccine at 4.5 and 9 months of age on childhood mortality: randomised controlled trial." BMJ (2010).
10 Aaby, Peter, Cesário L. Martins, May-Lill Garly, Amabelia Rodrigues, Christine S. Benn, and Hilton Whittle. "The optimal age of measles immunisation in low-income countries: a secondary analysis of the assumptions underlying the current policy." BMJ Open 2, no. 4 (2012).
11 Aaby, Peter, Henrik Ravn, Adam Roth, Amabelia Rodrigues, Ida Maria Lisse, Birgitte Rode Diness, Karen Rokkedal Lausch, Najaaraq Lund, Julie Rasmussen, Sofie Biering-Sørensen, Hilton Whittle, and Christine Stabell Benn. "Early diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccination associated with higher female mortality and no difference in male mortality in a cohort of low birthweight children: an observational study within a randomised trial." Arch. Dis. Child. 97, no. 8 (2012): 685-691.
12 Aaby, Peter, Adam Roth, Sofie Biering-Sørensen, Henrik Ravn, Amabelia Rodrigues, Hilton Whittle, and Christine Stabell Benn. "No evidence of bias in trial showing BCG reduces neonatal mortality." J. Infect. Dis. 205, no. 3 (2012): 515-517.
13 Aaby, Peter, Adam Roth, Henrik Ravn, Bitiguida Mutna Napirna, Amabelia Rodrigues, Ida Maria Lisse, Lone Stensballe, Birgitte Rode Diness, Karen Rokkedal Lausch, Najaaraq Lund, Sofie Biering-Sørensen, Hilton Whittle, and Christine Stabell Benn. "Randomized trial of BCG vaccination at birth to low-birth-weight children: beneficial nonspecific effects in the neonatal period?." J. Infect. Dis. 204, no. 2 (2011): 245-252.
14 Aaby, Peter, Hilton Whittle, and Christine Stabell Benn. "Vaccine programmes must consider their effect on general resistance." BMJ (2012).
15 Ariyoshi, Koya, Neil Berry, Fatim Cham, Shabbar Jaffar, Maarten Schim van der Loeff, Ousman Jobe, Pa Tamba N'Gom, Olav Larsen, Sören Andersson, Peter Aaby, and Hilton Whittle. "Quantification of Human T-lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) provirus load in a rural West African population: no enhancement of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 pathogenesis, but HTLV-I provirus load relates to mortality." J. Infect. Dis. 188, no. 11 (2003): 1648-1651.
16 Balé, Carlito, May-Lill Garly, Cesario Martins, Jens Nielsen, Hilton Whittle, and Peter Aaby. "Risk factors for measles in young infants in an urban African area with high measles vaccination coverage." Pediatr. Infect. Dis. J. 30, no. 8 (2011): 689-693.
17 Benn, C. S., A. Balde, E. George, M. Kidd, H. Whittle, I. M. Lisse, and P. Aaby. "Effect of vitamin A supplementation on measles-specific antibody levels in Guinea-Bissau." (2002).
18 Benn, Christine Stabell, Birgitte Rode Diness, Adam Roth, Ernesto Nante, Ane Baerent Fisker, Ida Maria Lisse, Maria Yazdanbakhsh, Hilton Whittle, Amabelia Rodrigues, and Peter Aaby. "Effect of 50,000 IU vitamin A given with BCG vaccine on mortality in infants in Guinea-Bissau: randomised placebo controlled trial." BMJ 336, no. 7658 (2008): 1416-1420.
19 Benn, Christine Stabell, Ane Baerent Fisker, Bitiguida Mutna Napirna, Adam Roth, Birgitte Rode Diness, Karen Rokkedal Lausch, Henrik Ravn, Maria Yazdanbakhsh, Amabelia Rodrigues, Hilton Whittle, and Peter Aaby. "Vitamin A supplementation and BCG vaccination at birth in low birthweight neonates: two by two factorial randomised controlled trial." BMJ (2010).
20 Benn, Christine Stabell, Ane Baerent Fisker, Amabelia Rodrigues, Henrik Ravn, Erliyani Sartono, Hilton Whittle, Maria Yazdanbakhsh, and Peter Aaby. "Sex-differential effect on infant mortality of oral polio vaccine administered with BCG at birth in Guinea-Bissau. A natural experiment." PLoS ONE 3, no. 12 (2008).
21 Benn, Christine Stabell, Amabelia Rodrigues, Maria Yazdanbakhsh, Ane Baerent Fisker, Henrik Ravn, Hilton Whittle, and Peter Aaby. "The effect of high-dose vitamin A supplementation administered with BCG vaccine at birth may be modified by subsequent DTP vaccination." Vaccine 27, no. 21 (2009): 2891-2898.
22 Bennett, J., H. Whittle, B. Samb, B. Cisse, F. Simondon, and P. Aaby. "Seroconversions in unvaccinated infants: further evidence for subclinical measles from vaccine trials in Niakhar, Senegal." (1999).
23 Berry, N., S. Jaffar, M. F. Schim van der Loeff, K. Ariyoshi, E. Harding, P. T. N'Gom, F. Dias, A. Wilkins, D. Ricard, P. Aaby, R. Tedder, and H. Whittle. "Low level viremia and high CD4% predict normal survival in a cohort of HIV type-2-infected villagers." (2002).
24 Biering-Sørensen, Sofie, Peter Aaby, Bitiguida Mutna Napirna, Adam Roth, Henrik Ravn, Amabelia Rodrigues, Hilton Whittle, and Christine Stabell Benn. "Small randomized trial among low-birth-weight children receiving bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccination at first health center contact." Pediatr. Infect. Dis. J. 31, no. 3 (2012): 306-308.
25 Ceesay, Serign J, Climent Casals-Pascual, Jamie Erskine, Samuel E Anya, Nancy O Duah, Anthony J C Fulford, Sanie S S Sesay, Ismaela Abubakar, Samuel Dunyo, Omar Sey, Ayo Palmer, Malang Fofana, Tumani Corrah, Kalifa A Bojang, Hilton C Whittle, Brian M Greenwood, and David J Conway. "Changes in malaria indices between 1999 and 2007 in The Gambia: a retrospective analysis." Lancet 372, no. 9649 (2008): 1545-1554.
26 Cisse, B., P. Aaby, F. Simondon, B. Samb, M. Soumare, and H. Whittle. "Role of schools in the transmission of measles in rural Senegal: implications for measles control in developing countries." (1999).
27 de Silva, Thushan I, Marlén Aasa-Chapman, Matthew Cotten, Stéphane Hué, James Robinson, Frederic Bibollet-Ruche, Ramu Sarge-Njie, Neil Berry, Assan Jaye, Peter Aaby, Hilton Whittle, Sarah Rowland-Jones, and Robin Weiss. "Potent autologous and heterologous neutralizing antibody responses occur in HIV-2 infection across a broad range of infection outcomes." J. Virol. 86, no. 2 (2012): 930-946.
28 Diness, Birgitte R, Ane B Fisker, Adam Roth, Maria Yazdanbakhsh, Erliyani Sartono, Hilton Whittle, Jose E Nante, Ida M Lisse, Henrik Ravn, Amabelia Rodrigues, Peter Aaby, and Christine S Benn. "Effect of high-dose vitamin A supplementation on the immune response to Bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccine." Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 86, no. 4 (2007): 1152-1159.
29 Diness, Birgitte R, Cesário L Martins, Carlitos Balé, May-Lill Garly, Henrik Ravn, Amabelia Rodrigues, Hilton Whittle, Peter Aaby, and Christine S Benn. "The effect of high-dose vitamin A supplementation at birth on measles incidence during the first 12 months of life in boys and girls: an unplanned study within a randomised trial." Br. J. Nutr. (2011).
30 Diness, Birgitte Rode, Dorthe Christoffersen, Ulla Britt Pedersen, Amabelia Rodrigues, Thea Kølsen Fischer, Andreas Andersen, Hilton Whittle, Maria Yazdanbakhsh, Peter Aaby, and Christine Stabell Benn. "The effect of high-dose vitamin A supplementation given with bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccine at birth on infant rotavirus infection and diarrhea: a randomized prospective study from Guinea-Bissau." J. Infect. Dis. (2010).
31 Eriksson, M, E Sartono, C L Martins, C Balé, M-L Garly, H Whittle, P Aaby, B K Pedersen, M Yazdanbakhsh, C Erikstrup, and C S Benn. "A comparison of ex vivo cytokine production in venous and capillary blood." Clin. Exp. Immunol. 150, no. 3 (2007): 469-476.
32 Flanagan, Katie L, Sabra L Klein, Niels E Skakkebaek, Ian Marriott, Arnaud Marchant, Liisa Selin, Eleanor N Fish, Andrew M Prentice, Hilton Whittle, Christine Stabell Benn, and Peter Aaby. "Sex differences in the vaccine-specific and non-targeted effects of vaccines." Vaccine 29, no. 13 (2011): 2349-2354.
33 Garly, M. L., C. Bale, C. Martins, M. A. Balde, K. Hedegaard, H. Whittle, and P. Aaby. "BCG vaccination among West African infants is associated with less anergy to tuberculin and diphtheria-tetanus antigens." (2001).
35 Garly, M. L., C. Martins, C. Bale, M. A. Balde, K. Hedegaard, P. Gustafson, I. M. Lisse, H. Whittle, and P. Aaby. "BCG scar and positive tuberculin reaction associated with reduced child mortality in West Africa. A non-specific beneficial effect of BCG?." (2003).
36 Garly, M. L., C. Martins, C. Bale, F. da Costa, F. Dias, H. Whittle, and P. Aaby. "Early two-dose measles vaccination schedule in Guinea-Bissau: good protection and coverage in infancy." (1999).
37 Garly, May-Lill, Carlitos Balé, Cesário Lourenco Martins, Hilton C Whittle, Jens Nielsen, Ida M Lisse, and Peter Aaby. "Prophylactic antibiotics to prevent pneumonia and other complications after measles: community based randomised double blind placebo controlled trial in Guinea-Bissau." BMJ 333, no. 7581 (2006).
38 Grassly, N. C., Z. Xiang, K. Ariyoshi, P. Aaby, H. Jensen, M. F. Schim van der Loeff, F. Dias, H. Whittle, and J. Breuer. "Mortality among human immunodeficiency virus type 2-positive villagers in rural Guinea-Bissau is correlated with viral genotype." (1998).
39 Hennig, Branwen J, Katherine Fielding, John Broxholme, Mathurin Diatta, Maimuna Mendy, Catrin Moore, Andrew J Pollard, Pura Rayco-Solon, Giorgio Sirugo, Marianne A van der Sande, Pauline Waight, Hilton C Whittle, Syed M Zaman, Adrian V Hill, and Andrew J Hall. "Host genetic factors and vaccine-induced immunity to hepatitis B virus infection." PLoS ONE 3, no. 3 (2008).
40 Hennig, Branwen J, Digna R Velez-Edwards, Maarten F Schim van der Loeff, Cyrille Bisseye, Todd L Edwards, Alessandra Tacconelli, Giuseppe Novelli, Peter Aaby, Steve Kaye, William K Scott, Assan Jaye, Hilton C Whittle, Scott M Williams, Adrian V Hill, and Giorgio Sirugo. "CD4 intragenic SNPs associate with HIV-2 plasma viral load and CD4 count in a community-based study from Guinea-Bissau, West Africa." J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr. 56, no. 1 (2011): 1-8.
41 Holmgren, B., S. Andersson, E. Harding, M. F. Schim van der Loeff, P. Vastrup, P. Aaby, K. Ariyoshi, and H. Whittle. "Increased prevalence of HTLV-1 among HIV-2-infected women but not HIV-2-infected men in rural Guinea-Bissau." (2002).
42 Jaffar, S., M. S. Van der Loeff, J. Eugen-Olsen, T. Vincent, R. Sarje-Njie, P. Ngom, A. M. Meyer, N. Berry, P. Aaby, and H. Whittle. "Immunological predictors of survival in HIV type 2-infected rural villagers in Guinea-Bissau." (2005).
43 Jaffar, Shabbar, Thilo Govender, Anupam Garrib, Tanya Welz, Heiner Grosskurth, Peter G Smith, Hilton Whittle, and Michael L Bennish. "Antiretroviral treatment in resource-poor settings: public health research priorities." Trop. Med. Int. Health 10, no. 4 (2005): 295-299.
44 Jallow, Sabelle, Tim Vincent, Aleksandra Leligdowicz, Thushan De Silva, Carla Van Tienen, Abraham Alabi, Ramu Sarge-Njie, Peter Aaby, Tumani Corrah, Hilton Whittle, Assan Jaye, Guido Vanham, Sarah Rowland-Jones, and Wouter Janssens. "Presence of a multidrug-resistance mutation in an HIV-2 variant infecting a treatment-naive individual in Caio, Guinea Bissau." Clin. Infect. Dis. 48, no. 12 (2009): 1790-1793.
45 Jensen, Mette Lundsby, Sangeeta Dave, Maarten Schim van der Loeff, Carlos da Costa, Tim Vincent, Aleksandra Leligdowicz, Christine Stabell Benn, Adam Roth, Henrik Ravn, Ida Maria Lisse, Hilton Whittle, and Peter Aaby. "Vaccinia scars associated with improved survival among adults in rural Guinea-Bissau." PLoS ONE (2006).
46 Lagarde, E., M. F. Schim van der Loeff, C. Enel, B. Holmgren, R. Dray-Spira, G. Pison, J. P. Piau, V. Delaunay, S. M'Boup, I. Ndoye, M. Coeuret-Pellicer, H. Whittle, and P. Aaby. "Mobility and the spread of human immunodeficiency virus into rural areas of West Africa." (2003).
47 Leligdowicz, Aleksandra, Louis-Marie Yindom, Clayton Onyango, Ramu Sarge-Njie, Abraham Alabi, Matthew Cotten, Tim Vincent, Carlos da Costa, Peter Aaby, Assan Jaye, Tao Dong, Andrew McMichael, Hilton Whittle, and Sarah Rowland-Jones. "Robust Gag-specific T cell responses characterize viremia control in HIV-2 infection." J. Clin. Invest. 117, no. 10 (2007): 3067-3074.
48 Lisse, I. M., B. Samb, H. Whittle, H. Jensen, M. Soumare, F. Simondon, and P. Aaby. "Acute and long-term changes in T-lymphocyte subsets in response to clinical and subclinical measles. A community study from rural Senegal." (1998).
49 Martins, Cesario, Carlitos Bale, May-Lill Garly, Amabelia Rodrigues, Ida M Lisse, Andreas Andersen, Mia Eriksson, Christine S Benn, Hilton Whittle, and Peter Aaby. "Girls may have lower levels of maternal measles antibodies and higher risk of subclinical measles infection before the age of measles vaccination." Vaccine 27, no. 38 (2009): 5220-5225.
50 Martins, Cesário L, May-Lill Garly, Carlito Balé, Amabelia Rodrigues, Henrik Ravn, Hilton C Whittle, Ida M Lisse, and Peter Aaby. "Protective efficacy of standard Edmonston-Zagreb measles vaccination in infants aged 4.5 months: interim analysis of a randomised clinical trial." BMJ (2008).