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Citation Information

Type Journal Article - J. Infect. Dis.
Title A recombinant blood-stage malaria vaccine reduces Plasmodium falciparum density and exerts selective pressure on parasite populations in a phase 1-2b trial in Papua New Guinea
Volume 185
Issue 6
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2002
Page numbers 820-827
URL http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=A+recombinant+blood-stage+malaria+vaccine+reduces+Plasmodiu​m+falciparum+density+and+exerts+selective+pressure+on+parasite+populations+in+a+phase+1-2b+trial+in+​Papua+New+Guinea
Genton, Blaise, Inoni Betuela, Ingrid Felger, Fadwa Al-Yaman, Robin F Anders, Allan Saul, Lawrence Rare, Moses Baisor, Kerry Lorry, Graham V Brown, David Pye, David O Irving, Thomas A Smith, Hans-Peter Beck, and Michael P Alpers. "A recombinant blood-stage malaria vaccine reduces Plasmodium falciparum density and exerts selective pressure on parasite populations in a phase 1-2b trial in Papua New Guinea." J. Infect. Dis. 185, no. 6 (2002): 820-827.