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Citation Information

Type Journal Article - BMJ
Title Vitamin A supplementation and BCG vaccination at birth in low birthweight neonates: two by two factorial randomised controlled trial
Volume 340
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2010
URL http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Vitamin+A+supplementation+and+BCG+vaccination+at+birth+to+l​ow-birth-weight+children;+two+by+two+factorial+randomised+trial
Benn, Christine Stabell, Ane Baerent Fisker, Bitiguida Mutna Napirna, Adam Roth, Birgitte Rode Diness, Karen Rokkedal Lausch, Henrik Ravn, Maria Yazdanbakhsh, Amabelia Rodrigues, Hilton Whittle, and Peter Aaby. "Vitamin A supplementation and BCG vaccination at birth in low birthweight neonates: two by two factorial randomised controlled trial." BMJ (2010).